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1-(844)-420-ACIA (2242) Mon-Fri : 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Updates from the April 10 Meeting of the ABC Regarding MMJ Rules and Regulations

Thanks to Robert deBin for attending the meeting and providing these notes. This meeting was important because it was the first meeting of the Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC) Board of Directors following the public comment period. A little background; the ABC rules and regulations govern the operations of dispensaries and cultivation facilities in Arkansas....
All commissioners were present, Travis Story telephonically. Mary Robin Casteel, the ABC attorney, started by reviewing changes from last week. The definition of school was updated to exclude home schools and colleges and universities.  Economic impact points awarded will now be partially determined by the Arkansas Economic Development Commission incentive tier map of economically challenged counties in Arkansas....
In the Winter 2017 edition of The Arkansas Lawyer, a magazine published by the Arkansas Bar Association, attorney Andrew King makes the case that Arkansas lawyers who advise clients applying for a medical marijuana dispensary or cultivation licenses will be in violation of the Arkansas Rule of Professional Conduct. “The year 2017 will see major developments...
The Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Board meets this Monday April the 10th at 9am to amend the medical marijuana rules and regulations based on public comment. The ABC rules and regulations govern the operations of dispensaries and cultivation facilities in the State of Arkansas. The current draft of the rules and regulations from the ABC...
This is the first commission meeting since the public hearing on the prospective rules and regulations that occurred last Friday. All commissioners are present this evening. Joel DiPippa gave an update on the legislation that was passed that will affect the rules and regulations proffered by the Medical Marijuana Commission. He also added that there...
The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission (MMC) is meeting today to discuss the public comments from last Friday’s public hearing. From the MMC website: The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission will meet Wednesday, April 5, 2017, at 4:30 pm. This meeting will be held at the 1515 Building, 1515 W 7th St, Suite 503, Little Rock, AR 72201....
Here’s a brief recap of legislation in Arkansas affecting the medical marijuana industry: The deadline for filing new bills has already passed. The deadline for amending shell bills has passed. The legislative session is tentatively scheduled to end on March 31st, but several committee chairpersons will have their last committee meetings next week. Bills with bold text are...
Arkansas’ first grade for medical marijuana access from Americans for Safe Access is a B-. The mission of Americans for Safe Access is to to ensure safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research. Arkansas did well in their patient rights and civil protection section, scoring a 93/100. In the access to medicine...
Arkansas Matters coverage of the Arkansas Department of Health medical marijuana public hearing on Friday, March the 10th
News coverage and footage from the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) public hearing on medical marijuana yesterday. Robert Brech, Chief Financial Officer at the ADH, presided over the public hearing. The hearing highlights: The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) does not appear to be open to altering the proposed rules and regulations at this point...
The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) is having their public hearing tomorrow (Friday) to take comments about their proposed rules governing medical marijuana patients, testing, packaging, and labeling. We are meeting before the public hearing to finalize our discussion on the specific points that we want to cover at the meeting. We’re planning to leave...
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