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Arkansas Medical Marijuana Legislative Update

This post is not being kept current. See our Current Legislation page. This is a current recap of the pending legislation affecting medical marijuana in the State of Arkansas: HB1049 Brief: Clarifies the definition of ‘excluded felony offense’ as defined in the amendment. Expands the definition to most felonies instead of just violent ones. Lead Sponsor:    Representative...
Here’s the update from this week’s Arkansas Medical Marijuana Commission (AMMC) meeting: The meeting started with a discussion from Arkansas Beverage Control (ABC) regarding “procurement procedures”, how they evaluate and score vendors wanting liquor licenses.  If any vendors protest the results, they’re re-evaluated by a different set of evaluators.  Continued protests are brought before the Director...
Listen to the interview with Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge and Roby Brock with Talk Business and Politics. They discuss Senator Jason Rapert and the smoking ban among other things.